Happy Wednesday! I’m back in Dallas, and it’s colder than New Jersey. So much for that snowbird idea…
We’ve got some WUIP event dates for you to save!
- This year’s 2023 WUIP Spring Gathering will be held on Thursday, May 18, at Biagio’s in Paramus, at 5:30 p.m. Save the date now and we’ll get ticket information and an RSVP link to you soon. Of course, we’ll be voting on our grant finalists at this meeting. If you’d like to help with planning the program, let me know and we’ll pull together a working team.
- Beginning Thursday, February 16, we’re launching a new series called “Third Thursday Happy Hour with a Purpose.” Each month, we’ll host a speaker for an informal discussion over appetizers and beverages at a local establishment. Our February program will be held in the Glen Bar inside of the Glenpointe Marriott, 100 Frank W Burr Blvd, Teaneck, beginning at 5 p.m., with guest speaker Elizabeth Davis, Director of our current grantee Geriatric Services. Invite with RSVP link to come later this week. Guests welcome!
Gatherings have always been the cornerstone of our circle. By planning one large anchor event each year, and introducing monthly informal gatherings on the same night each month, we’re hoping to make it easier for everyone to plan and look forward to time together.
As always, please share your thoughts and ideas for speakers and programs. I’m excited for 2023. Hope you are too.
Stay warm up there.

Maxine Frampton
Women’s Foundation of New Jersey