We fund non profit programs that help women and their families in New Jersey. We give grants to organizations through our three grant programs:
- Women United in Philanthropy — to help women get on their feet and support themselves and their families.
- Action Against Hunger — to help feed people and solve food insecurity.
- The Compassion Fund — to help front-line responses to natural disasters and community crises.
How to Apply
Start by filling out our Letter of Inquiry form. It’s the “front door” to all of our grant programs.
Letters of Inquiry can be submitted at any time and will help us to determine how your organization’s work best aligns with our funding priorities.

Women United in Philanthropy Grants

The members of Women United in Philanthropy (WUIP) vote each year to award one large impact grant to an agency proposing an innovative solution to problems facing women in Bergen County, New Jersey. Typically, WUIP grants range from $40,000 to $80,000.
Applications must address one of the following challenges facing women in Bergen County:
- Lack of access to affordable health care and wellness programs for herself and her children
- Shortage of safe affordable housing
- Inability to earn a living wage (need for job training and placement)
- Shortage of affordable day care options
- Food insecurity
- Nowhere to turn in times of expected personal or financial crisis
To Apply, first fill out our Letter of Inquiry form. You’ll have the opportunity to submit an initial application to us in December. If invited to submit a full application, they will be due in early March. WUIP members gather each spring to vote and select a grant awardee and funds are available as early as July 1 each year.

Action Against Hunger Grants
We make grants from our Action Against Hunger fund each fall, based upon the recommendations of our Food Insecurity Task Force. Our goal is to provide support throughout New Jersey to small independent programs helping women, children and families throughout the state. Typically, Action Against Hunger grants range from $2,000 to $5,000.
Traditionally, Action Against Hunger has provided food support, in the form of its one-day food drive, in addition to financial support. If you are interested in financial support or in working with us on a food drive in your community, please fill out our Letter of Inquiry form.

The Compassion Fund Grants
The Compassion Fund awards grants to agencies working on the front lines in times of natural disasters and community crises. In New Jersey, this could be in times of floods, fires, or hurricanes as well as times of mass trauma such as accidents or violent attacks on communities, sudden shortages or health emergencies such as the sudden infant formula shortage or the COVID-19 pandemic, to name a few.
During these times, the fastest way to access support from us is through our Letter of Inquiry form. We will respond rapidly to your request for help.