“Philanthropy is not about the money. It's about using whatever resources you have at your fingertips and applying them to improving the world.”


Our Mission
Women’s Foundation of New Jersey is a charitable organization that fosters philanthropic responses to the needs of our New Jersey community. We do this through research, programs, advocacy, and grant making.
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Our Approach
The Collective: Women United in Philanthropy
New Jersey’s first women’s giving circle, harnessing the collective power of women to create change in their communities. Based on the principle of “one gift, one vote”, Women United members award high-impact grants to fund innovative solutions to the economic challenges facing women in New Jersey.
Responding to Disaster and Crisis: The Compassion Fund
Created in 2001 to support North Jersey families following 9/11, The Compassion Fund helps communities throughout New Jersey cope in times of sudden disasters or community crisis. Grants support front-line workers and resources aimed at expanding care to those in critical need.
Fighting Food Insecurity: Action Against Hunger
With an ever-growing awareness of hunger in our communities, Action Against Hunger is a funding initiative aimed at mobilizing resources to bring food to people who need it and to identify and address the underlying issues that cause hunger in our community.
Get Involved
- Happy Hour with a Purpose featuring Janet Sharma, Age-Friendly EnglewoodLearn More >>
- Happy Hour with a Purpose featuring Ginine Cilenti and Pamela Weber-Leaf, Diabetes FoundationLearn More >>
- Happy Hour with a Purpose featuring Erica West, BVMILearn More >>
- Women's History Month Pro Arte ChoraleRSVP >>
- January 18th Happy Hour with a Purpose: featuring Kate DugganRSVP >>
- WUIP Grants CommitteeLearn More >>
Be Informed
Update on The Food Brigade, 2023 WUIP Grantee
“The van equals a ray of hope. It means that we do not have to say ‘no’ to people in need.” —Karen DeMarco, President,... Read MoreWhat Geriatric Services Did with Your Contribution
July 2023 The impact in one year of your contribution is significant. THANK YOU! Geriatric Services, Inc. submitted its proposal,... Read MoreSupport
Join our women’s giving collective as a member.
Membership in Women United in Philanthropy is open to anyone who identifies as a woman, subscribes to our values, and is interested in supporting women’s collective giving and a more equitable future for New Jersey. JOIN OR RENEW WUIP MEMBERSHIP >>
Make a contribution to support our work.
As a public charity, we raise every dollar we invest. Donors are critical partners in our philanthropic activism. Everyone is invited to participate in our work by making an unrestricted or restricted gift or by sponsoring an WFNJ event or program. MAKE A DONATION >>